Part 3: Book a Demo

This part will show you how to use AI to validate captured information and open a booking link.

This will show you how to validate information that you've captured with AI and open up a booking link so a customer can book a demo with your team!

Skills gained

  • Using AI to validate information
  • Adding Buttons
  • Open URLs using the Card or Carousel Step

Creating a 'Book a Demo' Workflow & Button (2 min)

Part 3.1 will walk through adding a button on your main menu that will link to a new workflow.

Using AI to Validate an Email Address in Voiceflow (6 min)

Part 3.2 will walk through how to use AI to validate an email address. This is a core skill to develop as you increase the complexity of your agent. It will allow you to use AI as a classifier and handle custom logic and rules within your agent.

Adding a Calendar Booking Link to Voiceflow Webchat (2 min)

Part 3.3 will show you how to use the card step to provide a booking link to your end customers. Clicking on the card will open up your URL and allow customers to book a demo with one of your sales reps.

Testing & Debugging (5 min)

Part 3.4 will show you how to start testing your agent and debug common issues.

Get the template

You can download the template shown in the videos here!