No Reply handling
How do I sent a message if a user doesn't reply?
When the user gives no response at all - remaining silent or away from keyboard for a certain amount of time - we can use the no reply feature. Under any "User Input" type step, there is an option to "Add No Reply Response" and designate a timeout period.
Setting a global no reply
If you want your assistant to have a global no reply (i.e. at any point in the conversation), you can set this in the agent settings.
We don't recommend using this for chat experiences, as users often leave and come back to an agent much later. This is more relevant for voice experiences.
By default, the delay for No Reply is 10 seconds, but you can change this by clicking on the number like shown above in the global settings. This time can also be configured on a case-by-case basis for reach reply, and can have a path attached to the no reply case in certain conditions.
Handling No Reply in Production
To handle interactions within the Dialog Manager API, we can reference the no-reply
trace: [
type: "no-reply",
payload: {
timeout: 5
The responsibility of handling this is on your client that is calling the API. This would require a timer function of some kind that detects if the user has not responded within the timeout
number of seconds. In which case, your next request
should simply be type: no-reply
to denote that the user has not replied, and then the API will handle the logic accordingly.
action: {
type: "no-reply"
// state, config, and other metadata here
Updated 9 months ago