Custom Triggers

Using the Web Chat API you can do actions like open, close, show, hide and much more with the Web Chat programatically.

The Web Chat API allows you to open, close and do much more with the Webchat. This also allows you to trigger the Web Chat to start from a specific intent on your canvas.

Web Chat API

When the Web Chat widget script is loaded, it will register an API as with the following methods:


load({config}) loads a specific Voiceflow agent on a webpage. See above for the configuration options.

Open and close

open() opens the Web Chat widget window.

close() closes the Web Chat widget window.

Show and hide

show() renders the Web Chat launch bubble. If the Web Chat widget was previously closed using hide(), a subsequent show() will render the Web Chat widget.

hide() hides the Web Chat launch bubble. If the Web Chat widget is open, hide() will hide the Web Chat widget.


interact({action}) sends a request to the Dialog API and updates the conversation in the widget. See the interact endpoint documentation for more detail about the accepted actions.

Additional example calls

Open the Web Chat widget with after 1s{
  verify: { projectID: "63906a46223f6a0007741929" },
  url: "",
  versionID: "production"
}).then(() => {
  setTimeout(function () {;
  }, 1000)

Open the Web Chat widget and trigger a specific intent{
  verify: { projectID: '63906a46223f6a0007741929' },
  url: '',
  versionID: 'production'
}).then(() => {
  setTimeout(function () {;
  }, 1000);
  setTimeout(function () {{
      type: "intent",
      payload: {
        intent: {
          name: "account_services"
        entities: []
  }, 2000);

You can insert these custom triggers into the body of the webchat widget.

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(d, t) {
      var v = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
      v.onload = function() {{
          [THEY GO HERE!!]     <---------------------------------------------
      v.src = ""; v.type = "text/javascript"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(v, s);
  })(document, 'script');


Once loaded, the Web Chat widget also send messages (events) you can monitor to trigger a specific action in your front-end code.

window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
}, false);

Note: the value is a JSON string if it contains a voiceflow:* event type (e.g. data: '{"type":"voiceflow:open"}'). type voiceflow:* values that may be useful include:

voiceflow:open - widget is opened

voiceflow:save_session - a save event is triggered to cache the conversation state/history

voiceflow:interact - the user sent an action and got a response from the server

voiceflow:close - widget is minimized or closed