If you're looking for more customizability than the Web Chat can offer, then you're in the right place! Custom interfaces let you wrap a Voiceflow agent into whichever form you want.
Developing custom interfaces does take development time and resources, but can be very impactful and enable new ways of integrating AI into your product. You can learn more about building custom interfaces and advanced Voiceflow applications through resources like our API docs, our YouTube or join our Discord Community full of like-minded developers also working on their Voiceflow-powered apps.
We also encourage you to take a look at Voiceflow's demos-n-examples and API examples as a starting point for your custom interfaces.
Custom interface examples
Toplyne's custom chat interface
This is an example of a Voiceflow powered chat agent that a customer created to learn more about their platform, where they made their own conversation starters, styling, and deeply integrated it into their UI on their home page.

Voiceflow EduChat
This is an AI app built in React. It enhances learning outcomes and interactivity by following along with students' reading of articles, asking questions, and engaging in conversation. It integrates Voiceflow through a custom chat interface and send Voiceflow information about the article on screen. You can find its code here and a video about it below.
AI Powered NPC in Unity
A Unity game integrating Voiceflow as a custom interface with an LMM powered NPC, that not only can have organic conversations, but through agent design can also interact with the game world, by giving or receiving items, changing the game scene, or pulling from a knowledge base of lore. You can find the code for it here.
Updated 7 months ago