
Sends a request to advance the conversation session with your Voiceflow project.


There are different types of requests that can be sent. To see a list of all request types, check out the documentation for the action field below.To start a conversation, you should send a launch request. Then, to pass in your user's response, you should send a text request. If you have your own NLU matching, then you may want to directly send an intent request.See the Request Examples on the right panel for more examples of valid request bodies.

Response Traces

After processing your request, the Dialog Manager API will then respond with an array of "traces" which are pieces of the overall response from the project:json[{ "type": "speak", "payload": { "type": "message", "message": "would you like fries with that?" }}, { "type": "visual", "payload": { "image": "" }}]In the example above, the Voiceflow project responded by saying "would you like fries with that?" and an image of a pizza. You can then display the chatbot's response and the image in your app. There are many types of response traces. Each trace is produced by a particular block on your Voiceflow project. Expand the documentation for the 200 OK response below to see a list of possible response traces.

Runtime Logs

The logs query parameter can be used to enable debug logging, which includes log traces in the response.

Legacy responses

For legacy compatibility, you set the verbose query parameter to true to get a response similar to our legacy Stateless API.json// <- simplified verbose response body { "state": { "stack": [{ "programID": "home flow", "nodeID": "yes no choice node" }], "storage": {}, "variables": { "pizza_type": "pepperoni" } }, "trace": [{ "type": "speak", "payload": { "type": "message", "message": "would you like fries with that?" } }, { "type": "visual", "payload": { "image": "" } }]}

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!