Using the Dialog Manager API (DM API)


This article is part of a guide on getting started with Voiceflow APIs

Start from the beginning here.

The most commonly used API with Voiceflow is the Dialog Manager API. It's what drives the conversations on the webchat widget and acts as the backbone of any conversion happening with a Voiceflow agent.

You send a request to it with a user input, it runs your Voiceflow agent and returns the agent's responses, and your program then takes turns giving user input and getting Voiceflow output.

You can read through it's full docs here if you're interested in learning more, after this guide.

You'll also be using a user_id to identify which conversation is going on. There are more details in the DM API guide, but in short, a user_id uniquely identifies a user's conversation, and for multiple requests to go back and forth and be in the same thread, you've got to keep the same user_id. If, on the other hand, you want to have multiple users talking at the same time, they should have different (unique, and hard to guess) user_ids. For this project, we'll just use a user's name as the user_id.

👉 Create a function called interact. It'll be used to communicate with Voiceflow.

import requests

api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' # it should look like this: VF.DM.XXXXXXX.XXXXXX... keep this a secret!

# user_id defines who is having the conversation, e.g. steve, [email protected], username_464
def interact(user_id, request):
const axios = require('axios');

const api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'; // it should look like this: VF.DM.XXXXXXX.XXXXXX... keep this a secret!

// user_id defines who is having the conversation, e.g. steve, [email protected], username_464
const interact = async (user_id, request) => {
    // Function implementation will go here


Next up: How to send requests to Voiceflow APIs