Interact Stream

Sends a request to advance the conversation session with your Voiceflow project, recieving a stream of events back.

This endpoint initiates a streaming interaction session with a Voiceflow agent. Clients connect to this endpoint to receive server-side events (SSE) using the text/event-stream format. This allows for real time events during progression through the flow.

Streaming events can be used to drastically improve latency and provide a more natural conversation by sending information to the user as soon as it's ready, instead of waiting for the entire Voiceflow turn to be finished.

In the block above, events would be sent as goes:

  • The API immediately sends an event for Message 1 ("give me a moment")
  • Then a long API Call holds up the rest of the answer
  • Once the API call is finished, the API sends an event for Message 2 "got it...".

Streaming allows us to respond first with Message 1 before going into the long API Call (long-running-api-request).

From the user's perspective, the agent will respond "give me a moment...", and after the API finishes in 10 seconds, then "got it, your flight is booked for...". This helps prevent an awkward silence while the API runs in the background and prepares the user to wait for an action to be finished.

Streaming is great for breaking up long-running, blocking steps such as: AI Set/AI Response/Prompt, API, JavaScript, Function, KB Search.

The response is a stream of trace events, which each roughly corresponds with a step on the canvas, sent as the step is invoked. Visit Trace Types to learn about the different types of traces.

An Authorization header is required to validate the request. Learn more at:

Your projectID is also required as part of the URL, find this in the agent settings page:

Note: this is not the same ID in the URL

Example Request

curl --request POST \
     --url$PROJECT_ID/user/$userID/interact/stream \
     --header 'Accept: text/event-stream' \
     --header 'Authorization: $VOICEFLOW_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "action": {
    "type": "launch"

Example Response

event: trace
id: 1
data: {
  "type": "text",
	"payload": {
    "message": "give me a moment...",
  "time": 1725899197143

event: trace
id: 2
data: {
  "type": "debug",
  "payload": {
    "type": "api",
    "message": "API call successfully triggered"
  "time": 1725899197146

event: trace
id: 3
data: {
  "type": "text",
	"payload": {
    "message": "got it, your flight is booked for June 2nd, from London to Sydney.",
  "time": 1725899197143

event: end
id: 4

You can check out an example project here using the API:

For more details on advanced settings, reference dedicated documentation:

  • completion_events to stream LLM responses as they are being generated, instead of waiting for the entire response
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!