JUMP TOUsing the APIsVoiceflow API OverviewGetting started with Voiceflow APIsOverview and setupHow to get your Voiceflow Project API keyUsing the Dialog Manager API (DM API)How to send requests to Voiceflow APIsHow to start a conversationHow to parse the output tracesHow to send user repliesHow to deal with other traces (button, end, and more)Using the Transcripts APISaving your user transcriptNext stepsAuthenticationVersions and Project IDsVoiceflow Dialog Management APIOverviewTrace TypesDialog API EndpointsInteract StreampostStream Completion EventsInteractpostUpdate variablespatchState API EndpointsUnderstanding the dialog state stackFetch stategetUpdate stateputDelete statedeleteKnowledge Base APIOverviewQuery APIQuerypostFiltering with MetadataDocument API ReferenceUpload Document (url)postUpload Document (File)postDelete DocumentdeleteDocument Chunk RetrievalgetDocument ListgetUpdate Document MetadatapatchUpdate Chunk MetadatapatchReplace Document (File)putReplace Document (url)putUpload Table DatapostTags API (Legacy)Create KB tagpostKB tag listgetGet KB tag labelgetDelete KB tagdeleteUpdate KB tag labelpatchAttaches KB tags to a document.postDetaches KB tags from a document.postProject APIProject APIFetch ProjectgetAnalytics API EndpointsQuery assistant usagepostTranscripts APIFetch Project TranscriptsgetCheck Transcripts StatusgetCreate TranscriptputCreate Utterance AnnotationputGet Transcript DialoggetUpdate TranscriptpatchDelete TranscriptdeleteExport Transcript DialoggetDelete Transcript TagdeleteCreate Transcript TagputAttaches KB tags to a document.post https://api.voiceflow.com/v3alpha/knowledge-base/docs/{documentID}/tags/attachAttaches existing KB tags to a document (documentID).🚧The Tags API is a legacy API. We recommend adding tags at metadata to your documents moving forward.Future features will not be compatible with the Tags API. Example Request JSON{ "data": { "tags": [ "advanced", "big_scale" ] } } Response Successful response will be blank.