
Prompt like a Pro: New Prompts CMS, Prompt Step and more

Recognizing that your AI prompts are the cornerstone of agent behaviour, we’ve developed a comprehensive suite of tools designed to provide a central hub for creating, updating, and testing prompts with ease and efficiency.

What’s New

  1. Prompts CMS

    • Centralized Prompt Hub: Manage all your prompts in one place, ensuring consistency and easy access across your entire agent.

    • Advanced Prompt Editor: Craft, edit, and test your prompts within an intuitive interface equipped with the necessary tooling to refine your AI agent’s responses.

    • Message Pairs & Conversation Memory: Utilize message pairs to simulate interactions and inject conversation memory, allowing for more dynamic and context-aware agent behaviour.

    • Visibility into Performance Metrics: Gain insights into latency and token consumption, now split by input and output tokens, to optimize your prompts for performance and cost-efficiency.

  2. New Prompt Step

    • Prompt Integration: Incorporate response prompts directly into your agent workflows using the new Prompt step.
    • Reuse Across Agent: The prompts you create can be easily reused across your agent, making any updates available wherever the prompt is used.
  3. Assign Prompts in Set Step

    • Simplify Designs: This feature brings prompts to the Set step for purposes of reusability and consolidating methods of setting variable values in your agent.

Looking Ahead

  • Expanded Prompt Support: Soon, you’ll be able to use prompts in more steps within your agent’s flow, unlocking new possibilities for interaction design.
  • Community Sharing: We’re developing features that will allow you to share prompts across your agents and with the wider community, facilitating collaboration and collective improvement.

Learn More

  • Prompt CMS and Editor: Explore the central hub for creating, testing, and managing prompts within your agent.
  • Prompt step: Learn how to integrate prompts directly into your agent’s flow.
  • Set step: Discover how to dynamically assign prompt outputs to variables for greater control over agent behaviour.